Python extensions and wrappers for the Forest Vegetation Simulator

About PyFVS

PyFVS is a fork of the Open-FVS project. The primary goal of PyFVS is to provide a Pythonic API for working with FVS. It also provides a number of enhancements that improve the performance and utility of the Open-FVS library functions.

PyFVS is a work in progress and is currently alpha. However, it is functional in its current form and may be useful for your projects. It should be considered unstable and revisions may introduce non-backward compatable changes to the API that break your code. Work is underway to move it towards a more stable state. Tne user is warned!

If you find PyFVS useful please star or watch on GitHub.

If you have a feature request or a bug to report please open an issue. Any and all feedback is welcomed.


Automatically generated Doxygen documentation of the Open-FVS code.

Documentation hosted on ReadTheDocs


If you would like to contribute feel free to fork the project, create a branch and issue a pull request.