bur_brn.h File Reference
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struct  d_CFF
struct  d_ES


#define e_BurEqu   999 /* Burnpup Equation number */
#define e_ComEffFla   0.97
#define e_ComEffSmo   0.67
#define e_tpig_adj   273.0
#define e_tchar_adj   273.0
#define e_cht1   1000.0 /* burnup's limit checks for */
#define e_cht2   3000.0 /* 'cheat' arrary */
#define e_tig1   200.0
#define e_tig2   400.0
#define e_tch1   250.0
#define e_tch2   500.0
#define e_wdf1   (double) 0.1 /* duff loading limits, kg/m2 */
#define e_wdf2   (double) 80.0 /* kg/m2 */
#define e_dfm1   (double) 0.1 /* Duff Moisture limits */
#define e_dfm2   (double) 1.972
#define e_fms1   (double) 0.01 /* Moisture Limits */
#define e_fms2   (double) 3.0
#define e_small   (double) 1.e-08 /* load limits */
#define e_big   (double) 1.e+06
#define e_MAX_TIMES   3000
#define e_INTENSITY   50.00
#define e_IG_TIME   60.00
#define e_WINDSPEED   0.00
#define e_DEPTH   0.3
#define e_AMBIENT_TEMP   27.00
#define e_R0   1.83
#define e_DR   0.40
#define e_TIMESTEP   15.00
#define e_SURat_Lit   8200.0
#define e_SURat_DW1   1480.0
#define e_SURat_DW10   394.0
#define e_SURat_DW100   105.0
#define e_SURat_DWk_3_6   39.4
#define e_SURat_DWk_6_9   21.9
#define e_SURat_DWk_9_20   12.7
#define e_SURat_DWk_20   5.91
#define e_SoundFmt   "1 %2d %13.8f 18600.0 %5.3f 513.0 %7.2f 2750.0 0.133 327.0 377.0 0.05\n"
#define e_RottenFmt   "1 %2d %13.8f 18600.0 %5.3f 224.0 %7.2f 2750.0 0.133 302.0 377.0 0.05\n"
#define e_htval   18600.0 /* low heat of combustion , J / kg */
#define e_Snd_dendry   513.0 /* ovendry mass density, kg/cum Sound */
#define e_Rot_dendry   224.0 /* ovendry mass density, kg/cum Rotten */
#define e_cheat   2750.0 /* specific heat capacity (J / K) / kg dry mass */
#define e_condry   0.133 /* thermal conductivity W / m K , ovendry */
#define e_Snd_tpig   327.0 /* ignition temperature , K Sound */
#define e_Rot_tpig   302.0 /* ignition temperature , K Rotten */
#define e_tchar   377.0 /* char temperature , K */
#define e_ash   0.05 /* mineral content , fraction dry mass */
#define false   0
#define true   1
#define bool   int
#define MAXNO   20 /* Max # of Fuel Loadings allowed */
#define MAXTYPES   3
#define MAXKL   (MAXNO * ( MAXNO + 1 ) / 2 + MAXNO )
#define MXSTEP   20


void CFF_Init (d_CFF *a_CFF)
int CFF_ChkAll (d_CFF *a_CFF)
int BRN_Run_UIF (char cr_InFN[], char cr_Err[], float f_DufConPerCent, char cr_LoadFN[], char cr_HeatFN[], float f_BrnCon)
int BRN_Run (char cr_LoadFN[], char cr_HeatFN[], float f_DufConPerCent, float f_BrnCon, char cr_ErrMes[])
void BRN_Init (void)
int BRN_ReadInFil (char cr_FN[], char cr_Err[])
int BRN_CheckData (char cr_ErrMes[])
void BRN_SetFireDat (long NumIter, double Fi, double Ti, double U, double D, double Tamb, double R0, double Dr, double Dt, double Wdf, double Dfm)
int BRN_ChkSwi (char cr[])
float BRN_Intensity (float f_Con)
int BRN_SetFuel (int *aiX, char cr_SR[], float f_Load, float f_Moist, float f_Sigma)
int BurnupNone (char cr_HeatFN[], float f_Con)
void Heat_Heading (FILE *fh)
void Arrays (void)
long loc (long k, long l)
double func (double h, double theta)
double ff (double x, double tpfi, double tpig)
int Start (double tis, long now, long *ncalls, double *ad_Con)
void OverLaps (void)
double FireIntensity (double *ad_pcSmoCon)
double DryTime (double enu, double theta)
int Stash (char *HistFile, double tis, long now)
void Sorter (void)
double TIgnite (double tpdr, double tpig, double tpfi, double cond, double chtd, double fmof, double dend, double hbar)
double TempF (double q, double r)
void HeatExchange (double dia, double tf, double ts, double *hfm, double *hbar, double cond, double *en)
void DuffBurn (double wdf, double dfm, double *dfi, double *tdf, float f_DufConPerCent, double *ad_Duf_CPTS)
void Step (double dt, double tin, double fid, long *ncalls, double *ad_Con)
int Summary (char *OutFile, char cr_ErrMes[])
long Nint (double input)
void CalculateEmissions (int i_Fst)
double pow2 (double input)
int ES_Calc (d_ES *a_ES, double d_WooLit, double d_Duff, double d_HSFB, double d_pcSmo, double d_time)
void ES_Init (d_ES *a_ES)
float ES_FlaDur (void)
float ES_SmoDur (void)
float ES_PM25F (void)
float ES_PM10F (void)
float ES_CH4F (void)
float ES_COF (void)
float ES_CO2F (void)
float ES_NOXF (void)
float ES_SOXF (void)
float ES_PM25S (void)
float ES_PM10S (void)
float ES_CH4S (void)
float ES_COS (void)
float ES_CO2S (void)
float ES_NOXS (void)
float ES_SOXS (void)
float ES_FlaCon (void)
float ES_SmoCon (void)
void Save_SGV (d_ES *a_ES, double d_time, double d_FirInt)
double Get_Cons (double d_old, double d_new)
double Duff_CPTS (double *ad_Duf_Tot, double d_Duf_Sec, double d_NumSec)
int Bur_ChkArgs (char cr_Line[])
void Bur_Error (char cr_Err[], char cr1[], char cr_Line[])
int EFM_Write (d_ES *a_ES, double d_Time, double d_FirInt)
int EFM_Open (char cr_FN[])
void EFM_Close (void)
void Bur_RemoveTmp (void)
void Bur_SumDivErr (void)
void bstrupr (char cr[])

Macro Definition Documentation

#define bool   int
#define e_AMBIENT_TEMP   27.00
#define e_ash   0.05 /* mineral content , fraction dry mass */
#define e_big   (double) 1.e+06
#define e_BurEqu   999 /* Burnpup Equation number */
#define e_cheat   2750.0 /* specific heat capacity (J / K) / kg dry mass */
#define e_cht1   1000.0 /* burnup's limit checks for */
#define e_cht2   3000.0 /* 'cheat' arrary */
#define e_ComEffFla   0.97
#define e_ComEffSmo   0.67
#define e_condry   0.133 /* thermal conductivity W / m K , ovendry */
#define e_DEPTH   0.3
#define e_dfm1   (double) 0.1 /* Duff Moisture limits */
#define e_dfm2   (double) 1.972
#define e_DR   0.40
#define e_fms1   (double) 0.01 /* Moisture Limits */
#define e_fms2   (double) 3.0
#define e_htval   18600.0 /* low heat of combustion , J / kg */
#define e_IG_TIME   60.00
#define e_INTENSITY   50.00
#define e_MAX_TIMES   3000
#define e_R0   1.83
#define e_Rot_dendry   224.0 /* ovendry mass density, kg/cum Rotten */
#define e_Rot_tpig   302.0 /* ignition temperature , K Rotten */
#define e_RottenFmt   "1 %2d %13.8f 18600.0 %5.3f 224.0 %7.2f 2750.0 0.133 302.0 377.0 0.05\n"
#define e_small   (double) 1.e-08 /* load limits */
#define e_Snd_dendry   513.0 /* ovendry mass density, kg/cum Sound */
#define e_Snd_tpig   327.0 /* ignition temperature , K Sound */
#define e_SoundFmt   "1 %2d %13.8f 18600.0 %5.3f 513.0 %7.2f 2750.0 0.133 327.0 377.0 0.05\n"
#define e_SURat_DW1   1480.0
#define e_SURat_DW10   394.0
#define e_SURat_DW100   105.0
#define e_SURat_DWk_20   5.91
#define e_SURat_DWk_3_6   39.4
#define e_SURat_DWk_6_9   21.9
#define e_SURat_DWk_9_20   12.7
#define e_SURat_Lit   8200.0
#define e_tch1   250.0
#define e_tch2   500.0
#define e_tchar   377.0 /* char temperature , K */
#define e_tchar_adj   273.0
#define e_tig1   200.0
#define e_tig2   400.0
#define e_TIMESTEP   15.00
#define e_tpig_adj   273.0
#define e_wdf1   (double) 0.1 /* duff loading limits, kg/m2 */
#define e_wdf2   (double) 80.0 /* kg/m2 */
#define e_WINDSPEED   0.00
#define false   0
#define MAXKL   (MAXNO * ( MAXNO + 1 ) / 2 + MAXNO )
#define MAXNO   20 /* Max # of Fuel Loadings allowed */
#define MAXTYPES   3
#define MXSTEP   20
#define true   1

Function Documentation

void Arrays ( void  )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BRN_CheckData ( char  cr_ErrMes[])

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BRN_ChkSwi ( char  cr[])

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void BRN_Init ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float BRN_Intensity ( float  f_Con)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BRN_ReadInFil ( char  cr_FN[],
char  cr_Err[] 

Here is the call graph for this function:

int BRN_Run ( char  cr_LoadFN[],
char  cr_HeatFN[],
float  f_DufConPerCent,
float  f_BrnCon,
char  cr_ErrMes[] 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BRN_Run_UIF ( char  cr_InFN[],
char  cr_Err[],
float  f_DufConPerCent,
char  cr_LoadFN[],
char  cr_HeatFN[],
float  f_BrnCon 
void BRN_SetFireDat ( long  NumIter,
double  Fi,
double  Ti,
double  U,
double  D,
double  Tamb,
double  R0,
double  Dr,
double  Dt,
double  Wdf,
double  Dfm 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BRN_SetFuel ( int *  aiX,
char  cr_SR[],
float  f_Load,
float  f_Moist,
float  f_Sigma 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bstrupr ( char  cr[])

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Bur_ChkArgs ( char  cr_Line[])

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Bur_Error ( char  cr_Err[],
char  cr1[],
char  cr_Line[] 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Bur_RemoveTmp ( void  )
void Bur_SumDivErr ( void  )
int BurnupNone ( char  cr_HeatFN[],
float  f_Con 
void CalculateEmissions ( int  i_Fst)
int CFF_ChkAll ( d_CFF a_CFF)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CFF_Init ( d_CFF a_CFF)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double DryTime ( double  enu,
double  theta 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double Duff_CPTS ( double *  ad_Duf_Tot,
double  d_Duf_Sec,
double  d_NumSec 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void DuffBurn ( double  wdf,
double  dfm,
double *  dfi,
double *  tdf,
float  f_DufConPerCent,
double *  ad_Duf_CPTS 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void EFM_Close ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int EFM_Open ( char  cr_FN[])

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int EFM_Write ( d_ES a_ES,
double  d_Time,
double  d_FirInt 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ES_Calc ( d_ES a_ES,
double  d_WooLit,
double  d_Duff,
double  d_HSFB,
double  d_pcSmo,
double  d_time 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_CH4F ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_CH4S ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_CO2F ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_CO2S ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_COF ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_COS ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_FlaCon ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_FlaDur ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ES_Init ( d_ES a_ES)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_NOXF ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_NOXS ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_PM10F ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_PM10S ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_PM25F ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_PM25S ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_SmoCon ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_SmoDur ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_SOXF ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ES_SOXS ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ff ( double  x,
double  tpfi,
double  tpig 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double FireIntensity ( double *  ad_pcSmoCon)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double func ( double  h,
double  theta 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double Get_Cons ( double  d_old,
double  d_new 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Heat_Heading ( FILE *  fh)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void HeatExchange ( double  dia,
double  tf,
double  ts,
double *  hfm,
double *  hbar,
double  cond,
double *  en 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

long loc ( long  k,
long  l 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

long Nint ( double  input)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void OverLaps ( void  )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double pow2 ( double  input)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Save_SGV ( d_ES a_ES,
double  d_time,
double  d_FirInt 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Sorter ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Start ( double  tis,
long  now,
long *  ncalls,
double *  ad_Con 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Stash ( char *  HistFile,
double  tis,
long  now 
void Step ( double  dt,
double  tin,
double  fid,
long *  ncalls,
double *  ad_Con 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Summary ( char *  OutFile,
char  cr_ErrMes[] 
double TempF ( double  q,
double  r 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TIgnite ( double  tpdr,
double  tpig,
double  tpfi,
double  cond,
double  chtd,
double  fmof,
double  dend,
double  hbar 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: