fof_gen.h File Reference
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define eC_PthFil   200 /* length of all path/file names */
#define e_CrashSave_FN   "FofemDump.prj"
#define e_FofLog_FN   "~foflog.tmp"
#define e_FN_SAF   "FOF_SAF.DAT" /* SAF Cover/Fuel */
#define e_FN_NVCS   "FOF_NVCS.DAT" /* MVCS Cover/Fuel */
#define e_FN_FCC   "FOF_FCC.DAT" /* FCC Cover/Fuel file */
#define e_SPP_FN   "FOF_SPP.DAT" /* Species File */
#define e_Hlp_FN   "fof_help.dat" /* Help text file */
#define e_DSI_FNin   "~dufsim.tmp" /* temp input for Duff Sim */
#define e_EID_FNin   "~expheat.tmp" /* temp input for Exp Heat */
#define e_SPt_FN   "~Soilpts.tmp" /* Duff & Exp sims can output this */
#define e_SoiPtFN   "SoilPts" /* Default File Name & Ext used when */
#define e_SoiPtExt   "txt" /* User Saves the Points File */
#define e_SoilDufExt   "duf" /* Ext user input file soil Duff Sim */
#define e_SoilExpExt   "exp" /* Ext user input file soil Exp Heat */
#define e_Sample_Duff   "Sample.duf" /* names user to create sample files */
#define e_Sample_Exp   "Sample.exp"
#define e_BurTmpIn_FN   "~brnup.tmp" /* temp input file for burnup */
#define e_BrnAmtExt   "Amt" /* Amount & Time/Heat file ext. */
#define e_BrnHeaExt   "hea" /* out file when using user in file */
#define e_BrnExt   "brn" /* User Option Input file ext */
#define e_BrnTmpAmt   "~brn.amt" /* 'outfile' in 'BurnUp::Summary' */
#define e_BrnTmpHea   "~brn.hea" /* 'histfile' in 'BurnUp::Stash' */
#define e_BrnEmi   "Emission" /* def fil nam for saving Emissn File*/
#define e_BrnEmiExt   "txt" /* the fil nam extension */
#define e_TmpMor   "~mor.tmp"
#define e_PrjExt   "prj" /* Project file extension */
#define e_RptExt   "rpt" /* report file extension */
#define e_GraSoilFN   "~Soilmf.tmp" /* temp files created when drawing */
#define e_GraMortFN   "~Mortmf.tmp" /* graphs */
#define e_GraFuelFN   "~Fuelmf.tmp"
#define e_GraSmokFN   "~Smokmf.tmp"
#define e_EMFExt   "emf" /* ext when user saves graph meta fil*/
#define e_TestFN   "~fofem"
#define e_SIB_Soil   "Soil-In.txt"
#define e_SIB_ConE   "ConE-In.txt"
#define e_SIB_Mort   "Mort-In.txt"


int copyfile (char cr_From[], char cr_To[])
void t_DeleteFile (char cr_FN[])
int Error_Window (char cr_Mess[], char cr_Function[])
int Warning_Window (char cr_Mess[], char cr_Function[])
int Info_Window (char cr_Mess[], char cr_Function[])
void MM_Clear (void)
int MM_isMess (void)
void GetDate (char cr_Date[])
void xstrupr (char cr[])
int Win_CrashSave (void)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define e_BrnAmtExt   "Amt" /* Amount & Time/Heat file ext. */
#define e_BrnEmi   "Emission" /* def fil nam for saving Emissn File*/
#define e_BrnEmiExt   "txt" /* the fil nam extension */
#define e_BrnExt   "brn" /* User Option Input file ext */
#define e_BrnHeaExt   "hea" /* out file when using user in file */
#define e_BrnTmpAmt   "~brn.amt" /* 'outfile' in 'BurnUp::Summary' */
#define e_BrnTmpHea   "~brn.hea" /* 'histfile' in 'BurnUp::Stash' */
#define e_BurTmpIn_FN   "~brnup.tmp" /* temp input file for burnup */
#define e_CrashSave_FN   "FofemDump.prj"
#define e_DSI_FNin   "~dufsim.tmp" /* temp input for Duff Sim */
#define e_EID_FNin   "~expheat.tmp" /* temp input for Exp Heat */
#define e_EMFExt   "emf" /* ext when user saves graph meta fil*/
#define e_FN_FCC   "FOF_FCC.DAT" /* FCC Cover/Fuel file */
#define e_FN_NVCS   "FOF_NVCS.DAT" /* MVCS Cover/Fuel */
#define e_FN_SAF   "FOF_SAF.DAT" /* SAF Cover/Fuel */
#define e_FofLog_FN   "~foflog.tmp"
#define e_GraFuelFN   "~Fuelmf.tmp"
#define e_GraMortFN   "~Mortmf.tmp" /* graphs */
#define e_GraSmokFN   "~Smokmf.tmp"
#define e_GraSoilFN   "~Soilmf.tmp" /* temp files created when drawing */
#define e_Hlp_FN   "fof_help.dat" /* Help text file */
#define e_PrjExt   "prj" /* Project file extension */
#define e_RptExt   "rpt" /* report file extension */
#define e_Sample_Duff   "Sample.duf" /* names user to create sample files */
#define e_Sample_Exp   "Sample.exp"
#define e_SIB_ConE   "ConE-In.txt"
#define e_SIB_Mort   "Mort-In.txt"
#define e_SIB_Soil   "Soil-In.txt"
#define e_SoilDufExt   "duf" /* Ext user input file soil Duff Sim */
#define e_SoilExpExt   "exp" /* Ext user input file soil Exp Heat */
#define e_SoiPtExt   "txt" /* User Saves the Points File */
#define e_SoiPtFN   "SoilPts" /* Default File Name & Ext used when */
#define e_SPP_FN   "FOF_SPP.DAT" /* Species File */
#define e_SPt_FN   "~Soilpts.tmp" /* Duff & Exp sims can output this */
#define e_TestFN   "~fofem"
#define e_TmpMor   "~mor.tmp"
#define eC_PthFil   200 /* length of all path/file names */

Function Documentation

int copyfile ( char  cr_From[],
char  cr_To[] 
int Error_Window ( char  cr_Mess[],
char  cr_Function[] 
void GetDate ( char  cr_Date[])
int Info_Window ( char  cr_Mess[],
char  cr_Function[] 
void MM_Clear ( void  )
int MM_isMess ( void  )
void t_DeleteFile ( char  cr_FN[])
int Warning_Window ( char  cr_Mess[],
char  cr_Function[] 
int Win_CrashSave ( void  )
void xstrupr ( char  cr[])

Here is the caller graph for this function: